
The End of Separate Old Sciences and Philosophies

Humanity need by no means a whole science and science platform in order that they are not misguided, mis-act, mal-live again from now on: TOTAL INTEGRAL SCIENCE. Everyone can build it, can have it originally, uniquely, independently.

The old sciences including philosophy are individualistic, separate, scattered, and chaotic with partial and vague truth. Therefore, they cause lostness; scattered split mind, personality, conduct, lift; scattered split society, humanity, systems, and industrial products.

These scattered sciences can not suit with and sustain the global and information age of one whole humanity. These chaotic sciences essentially contradict the reality of the total whole integrality of being and total reality including human being.

It is not startling that all the former and present civilization platforms of humanity sustained by these scattered sciences are so weak and fragile that there happened so many huge disasters, little accidents, and continuous instability in almost all levels and fields of humanity existence and life: spiritual, psychical, biophysical, physical level; economical, political, social, cultural, moral, valual, educational, scientific, technological, legal, security, religional, ecological, civilizational, etc.

Therefore, the old separate sciences including philosophy can not sustain the total existence and total present / future life of human, humanity, and civilization.

Moreover, the old separate sciences can not support total integral transcendental growth, development, and transformation of human and humanity into total full reality in The Ultimate Transcendent Destination of human.

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The New Dawn of Total Integral Science

The new dawn of science has come through the presence of Total Integral Science. Total Integral Science is the culmination of development of all sciences. Its foundation, principle, and structure are absolutely essential, real, total, integral, and clear.

It is unlimitedly beyond interdisciplinary science, multidisciplinary science, crossdisciplinary science, integrated sciences, unified science, or transdisciplinary science.

Such total integral science is essential for the maximal growth, development, and transformation of humanity into their fulfilment of truth, existence, and life.

The presence of Total Integral Science means the new platform of the new humanity life, activity, and world has also come, that is, Total Integral Platform.

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