Fragmented Partialistic Education Alienates and Destructs Humanity

For millennia, Humanity Life and World  has not had Total Whole Integrality Education Platform, but fragmented-partialistic education platform. Yet, it is interfered by many scattered egoistic sakes: either personal, scientific, academic, economic, business, political, cultural, national, international, network, or global sake.

Consequently, individuals, families, communities, corporations, organizations, institutions, societies, nations, humanity, human life, humanity life, the world, even history, are fragmented, destructed, and alienated – declined and estranged from their beings, life, identities, dignity, truth, goodness, happiness, joy, richness, and true way.

All of this archaic destructive fragmentation and misleading tradition must be stopped, enlightened, resolved, and changed.

Therefore, Humanity have to return to, develop, and transform into Their Existential Total Whole Integrality through TOTAL INTEGRAL EDUCATION with TOTAL INTEGRAL PLATFORM everywhere.

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