total integral transformational impact

Total Integral Science TISc

Total Integral Education TIEd

TISc-TIEd direct impact for everyone is transformation from being the Consumer and Importer of fragmented partialistic divided knowledges and sciences into being the Autonomous Independent Unique Original Creator, Designer, Producer, and Owner of Total Integral Science, Its Platform and System.

TISc, in se, is the direct necessary consequence of and existentially required by the Whole Total Integral Being of Human, then by the Whole Essential Right and Obligation of Human as Whole Total Integral Personal Being, and by the Identity, Dignity, Position, and Responsibility of Humans as the Peak of Creation, The Rulers of The World collegially.

TISc-TIEd lifts up everyone into the Summa Transcendent Level of science and education platform, standard, system; into the Summa Transcendent Level of Whole Total Integral intelligences, life vision, learning, expression, creativity, research and development, activity and productivity, efforts, culture, and civilization through Autonomous, Independent, Unique, Original, Total Integral Essential Foundationing, Standing, Building, Formation, Reformation, Transformation, and Process that have never existed formerly.

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